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Revolution Academy's program is designed to give every student the tools and skills he or she needs to be successful.  

We have high expectations and, as parents, guardians, and mentors, will help students learn to meet them.

Revolution Academy PTO

Welcome to

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As a volunteer organization we need you!  We have several events throughout the year that you can help with.  We call on people in advance and last minute.  Please consider donating your time to make our school the best.


A note from the Principal:

Our Meaningful Parental Partnerships pillar means that we as a school want to partner with our parents. Parents are an important part of a child’s education. Getting your children to school, packing their lunches, picking them up from school, and helping them with homework are not the only ways parents can partner with the school. There are many opportunities for parents to be involved at Revolution from being lunch parents and field trip drivers to volunteering in the office, helping to put together furniture, and volunteering with our PTO. 

-Michele Harris, Revolution Academy Principal


The minimum expectations we have of meaningful parental involvement includes the following:

*Volunteer a minimum of 20 hours in classrooms, on field trips, in the office and/or with the PTO.

*Attend at least one RA Board of Directors meeting each semester.

*Positively promote our school in public!


You have chosen Revolution Academy for your child; please commit to partnering with us to have meaningful parental partnerships!

What's going on....?
School Supplies

PTO Calendar

Check out our PTO events

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Upcoming Events
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Community Partnerships

RA Skate Nights

See Fridge Flyer for Upcoming Dates





RA Spirit Day at The Jumping Bean

First Friday of the Month

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